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Wednesday marked the first time in four days that Jason Segel didn't publicly recount his bestselling short story Getting Dumped While Naked, but that didn't keep his bare ween off the minds of close observers from Videogum to Vanity Fair. While one went the think-y route in exploring the Segel's phallus phenom, the other was the first to procured a screenshot of the actor's famous wang in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Guess which was which? Or just follow the jump for your prurient full-frontal fix. Remember, NSFW!

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Yes, via Videogum, this is the cock that has dominated the talk-show circuit and even provoked an epistolary Battle of the Sexes today between pro-dick contributor Lizzie Hurlbut and anti-dick Movie City News editor David Poland:

LH: I guess my point here is that I actually thought Jason Segel's penis played an important role in some of the film's key scenes. When Sarah shows up to dump him, he's fresh out of the shower, the towel drops, and he's standing there literally stripped bare, vulnerable, exposed. And she rejects him. OUCH. Rock bottom, baby. Naked and dumped. Toss in the fact that an unexpected visual of a penis incites full-on surge of awkwardness for a gal, and you're feeling precisely what that scene was trying to evoke: horrifying, awkward vulnerability.

DP: Really, Lizzie ... how does a woman react to her ex's junk parading around while she's trying to break up? Would he think she would find it attractive? Would she see it as anything remotely sexual? Would she actually try to keep from having eye contact with it? That's where the big laughs live—in behavior that the audience identifies with ... whether it's a flesh-covered punch line or not.

And with that, dear reader, we will never ever ever mention motherfucking Forgetting Sarah Marshall or Jason Segel's cock again on the pages of Defamer. It's been a long week.