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When Lindsay Lohan falls off the wagon, she falls hard. So hard, in fact, that she spent this past weekend traipsing around New York in what appears to be a long and eventful whopper of a bender. As we reported yesterday, Lindsay spent her Saturday night downing Grey Goose with new roomie Samantha Ronson before promptly (and nostalgically) passing out in a car. But today's NY Post informs us that the night before was far more eventful. Tagging along with Ronson to the Beatrice Inn on Friday night for one of the chain-smoking DJ's gigs, whatever mysterious substances were floating through Lohan's system manifested into a screaming match directed towards teeny tiny Ashley Olsen:

"Ashley Olsen said hello to Sam at the Beatrice, and Lindsay screamed at her, 'Get your 15-year-old Full House ass away from my girlfriend.'"

Calling Ronson her "girlfriend" is one thing, especially after the two BFFs are now shacking up together, but a piece in today's NY Post reported that Lohan has a new Facebook page under the name "Lindsay Ronson" (revealed by our friends over at Gawker):

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So, first comes love, then comes cohabitation, then comes taking your loved one's last name? While we're delighted to hear Lindsay wasn't so far off the rails that she was able to correctly remember which TGIF sitcom Olsen starred in, it seems whatever she was on prompted some sort of amnesia - 15? Sure, Olsen isn't the most mature-looking five-foot-nothing star in the world, but everyone and their father knows the Olsens became legal some time ago.