Robert Scoble plays dirty uncle in Amsterdam

A tipster writes in to tell us he was a little skeeved out by Fast Company TV videoblogger Robert Scoble. The offense? Manhandling the ladies at the NextWeb conference in Amsterdam two weeks ago.
Recently in Amsterdam Scoble brought great embarrassment to the conference organization by not keeping his hands to himself. Every woman that had her picture taken with him was squeezed against him with his hands going everywhere.
All the photos on Flickr have judiciously been set to private, but our tipster managed to smuggle some of their own. Scoble nauseating even the abnormally permissive Dutch by cuddling teenaged startup hopeful Jessica Mah after the jump.

What got people really upset was that he couldn't keep his hands of 17 year old Jessica Mah during the conference after party. He was all over her in the VIP room. The organization was paranoid about pictures being taken, which is why you hardly will find any. In this picture she is laying on his lap.
Were this any other married father of two, we would raise our eyebrows. Scoble's eldest son is, after all, a more appropriate date for Jessica Mah, the 17-year-old startup hopeful snuggled in his lap.
But unlike our tipster, we're inclined to give Scoble a pass. He a Silicon Valley archetype: the high school nerd unhinged by newfound digital fame. In his mind, he's still 17 himself. Having never had the experience of popularity in high school, he's recreating it now. And by that logic, there's nothing wrong with him snuggling with a girl who, if not so precocious, would be in high school herself.