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It's a story as old as Hollywood itself: An attractive actor who's done everything he can to get himself into the spotlight just can't get the roles he wants. Is it because his acting isn't quite up to par? Of course not... It's because his agent sucks!

Everyone's favorite actor/producer/restaurateur Ashton Kutcher has announced he is leaving Endeavor, the agency he's been with for a decade, and for the cozier confines of the CAA Death Star. Known for their ability to revive careers, CAA may have an uphill battle with an actor whose only successful role was also his first (as lovable dimwit Michael Kelso on That '70s Show).

Luckily for the agency, they stand to take a percentage of the TV shows Kutcher will develop as a producer with his company Katalyst (which have so far included some surprisingly good series, like Punk'd, Beauty and the Geek, Miss Guided and Pop Fiction). Unfortunately, his new agents at CAA will not get a cut from the ridonkulously popular clubs and restaurants Ashton holds a stake in with the Dolce Group. Nor will they get to have sex with Demi Moore.