Naturally, there are lots of important questions surrounding the presidential race. Whose policy on the war in Iraq will be the most effective? Will raising taxes help pull us out of this recession? Which candidate has the most viable solution to our nation's health care crisis? Who is Heidi Montag gonna vote for?

Well, thankfully that last question can be laid to rest. The Hills "celeb" has planted her flag in Camp McCain. As she explains in the latest issue of Us Weekly, "I'm a Republican and McCain has a lot of experience."

On the heels of that ringing endorsement, McCain told's Swampland blog, (and we swear we're not making this up) "I'm honored to have Heidi's support and I want to assure her that I never miss an episode of 'The Hills,' especially since the new season started."

And to top it all off, on today's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, McCain called Montag "a very talented actress."

Actress,eh? McCain is so old and out of touch, he doesn't even know The Hills is a reality show. Get with the times, Grandpa!