One could easily argue that Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair editor and 59-year-old, has faded into irrelevance, his salad days at Spy a distant memory. I mean, there have been lots of olds on VF covers lately! This month air-brushy Madonna, and before her Bruce Willis awkwardly straddling a motorcycle, Julia Roberts glimmering dimly with a rose in her teeth, even Jack and Jackie smiling beatifically, reminding us of simpler times. Things are getting a bit dusty over there, huh? But, actually, it makes perfect sense. Carter and his friends are aging, along with his surprisingly middle-brow readership. These people don't want to be confused by some young upstart (unless they're posed carefully by Annie Leibovitz), they want dependable movie stars and the like; the familiar folks who still polish up nicely, who are accessible and classy. Rather than trying to buck the demographic with edgier fare, Carter is just trudging along after the comfort-seekers. Hey, it worked for CBS. We're not quite sure, however, how the whole Shia LaBeouf thing fits into all of this.