Last night, Britney Spears returned to her legitimate sitcom stunt-casting roots for the first time since her Will & Grace guest spot of two years ago. This go-around, she was called upon by lesser-threatening CBS comedy How I Met Your Mother to play Abby, a dermatologist's receptionist smitten with the show's main character.

Critical reception has been mixed, ("Britney the Trainwreck showed how she can still be Britney the Performer," gushed the AP, while Newsday threw its arms to the Heavens, demanding to know, "What was the point? To what end? Signifying what?"), but the desired effect was achieved: Mother hit an all-time ratings high with the episode. Seeing as we all lead busy lives, Defamer videographer Molly McAleer has compiled just the Britney moments for you, complete with handy timer: It amounts to a total of precisely two minutes, which, as Charo can attest, is all the celebrity guest-starring screen time you really need to turn around a flagging career.