Four Things I Already Knew About Your Penis And One That Grossed Me Out

You know what people like reading about? Penises! Half the population has one and the other half wants to get up on one. (Like the mainstream media, I choose to ignore lesbians.) Knowing what a hit these little (or big) guys are, CBS has a rundown of five things you did not know about your penis. Like No. 1: "Your Penis Does Have a Mind of Its Own". In eighth grade Latin, this kid would have the most awkward erections while we waited in the hallway before class to start. Now I know that his sentient penis just enjoyed dead languages. More shockers after the jump!
- No. 2: "Your Penis May Be a 'Grower' or a 'Show-er'"
Hey small willie-d guys, don't worry. Your penis may get bigger when aroused. - No. 3: "Your Penis Is Shaped Like a Boomerang"
Look down at your penis. It's shaped like a Boomerang. Who knew? - No. 4 actually did surprise me, so skipping to:
- No. 5: "Most Penises in the World Are Uncut"
Oh my god. You mean that skin needs to be removed? - Back to No. 4: "You Can Break Your Penis"
Ew, really? That depresses my vagina.