Classy Ladies: We're On to Your Drinking Problem

"They're smart, successful professionals who never miss a day's work - the very opposite of the image of the problem drinker," writes London's Telegraph in an article about functional alcoholics. The real question remains: are you one? Delightfully, the amount of alcohol their subjects consume each week — all successful lady professionals, have we mentioned that? — is broken down into an easy-to-read daily booze diary. See how you measure up!
Monday: Bottle of wine over lunch.
Tuesday: Bottle of wine over lunch. Two cocktails, one tequila shot, one vodka shot, all at a bar in the evening.
Wednesday: Bottle and a half of wine, two cocktails, two vodka shots, two Aftershock mint liqueur shots, all after work.
Thursday: Bottle of wine over lunch, two pints of beer in the afternoon. Finish off the night with two tequila shots, one Aftershock shot.
Friday: Four cocktails, large glass of wine, four tequila shots, two vodka shots, all in one night.
Saturday: Bottle and a half of wine, three vodka shots, one pint of beer, two alcopops, all in one night.
Sunday: Bottle of wine, two large gin and tonics over a long lunch."
Monday: Three large glasses of white wine.
Tuesday: One glass of champagne, two G&Ts, one large glass of red wine on plane. One large glass of red wine , one amaretto on ice at hotel.
Wednesday: Three large glasses of white wine at lunch. Two double vodka tonics in the evening.
Thursday: One glass of champagne, two glasses of red wine on return flight. Glass of wine at home in the evening.
Friday: Glass of wine with lunch. Bottle of wine, two vodka tonics at after-work drinks
Saturday: Two glasses of wine at dinner with friends.
Sunday: Three bottles of beer, half a bottle of wine over pub lunch. Glass of wine at home."
Now go make your own booze diary!