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We have to admit, when we first heard that Britney Spears would guest star on the struggling How I Met Your Mother, we had our doubts. Would she really find enough sanity-laced moments during the day to play a Working Girl? Had all the gurney trips and 5150s left her sharp enough to memorize lines and interact with actual actors? Would the length of time required to remove all umbrellas from the Fox lot overlap with her scheduled appearance? But apparently our (and Neil Patrick Harris') worries were for naught. Britney has officially shown up, donned her costume, and put her acting skills to the test. Click through for the first shot taken of Brit playing secretary alongside fellow guest star Sarah Chalke:

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Judging by that toothy smile and perky posture, we're elated. Britney looks completely energized, wide awake and completely chipper. After seeing this picture, we're going to remain optimistic about her performance and go-ahead and circle March 24th on our calendars with a big thick red Sharpie. It's Britney's return to the small screen, and with the help of "intellectual" glasses, a conservative wool sweater, and all the power of Neil's unicorn magic, all signs point towards success. As long as the cleanup crew obliterated every last umbrella within five miles, of course.

[Photo Credit: CBS via Star]