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Another day, another star lost to the more-popular-than-ever VIP club that is the Church of Scientology. But unlike Tom and Katie's previous predatory attacks on Jennifer Lopez and the Beckhams, this one really hurts. On Wednesday night, the Knights of Hubbard went on a double date with Oscar winner Forrest Whitaker and his wife Keisha, right on the heels of last Wednesday's double date with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith (long-term victims of TomKat's proselytizing ways). Savvy observers will recall that this isn't Whitaker's first brush with the wily ways of Scientologists; back in 1999, he spent months on end on the set of Battlefield Earth with John Travolta. So, the question is this — does he have enough willpower left to resist yet another call from Xenu's sworn enemies?

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The potential for Whitaker to sign up for the Hubbard Club becomes murkier upon re-reading his Oscar acceptance speech at last year's Awards. The infamously moving and teary speech was speckled with religious references, some vague and some direct:

"[I have a] desire to connect to everyone. To that thing inside of each of us, that light that I believe exists in all of's a connection so strong, a connection so deep that we feel it and through our combined belief we can create a new reality...I want to thank...God, God who believes in the soul, and who's given me the moment in this lifetime that I will hopefully carry to the end of this lifetime, into the next lifetime."

Oh dear. "A new reality"? "Into the next lifetime"? Shit. Scientologists believe in that whole "born again into the flesh of another body" thing, and that all those other silly religions are part of "an implanted false reality that to this very minute is used to control WOGS [non-Scientologists] on Earth." We're left with three words: RUN, Forrest, RUN.