Nerds, Olds, Goofballs Flock To Mohegan Sun

This new Broadway musical-themed ad for the Mohegan Sun Casino has inspired reaction on the ad blogs that spans the entire spectrum from "trite" to "gag" to "shit" to "I'd quit if I worked on that" (and indeed, the ad has been mysteriously pulled from YouTube—and UPDATE, the agency tells us that they didn't "pull the spot," just replaced a "rough cut" with the final version). What is for sure is that this is one casino where you are not in danger of, say, waking up in the morning with cocaine strewn across your room and a hazy memory of marrying a hooker; a more likely scenario is having a helluva energetic song and dance session with other goofy, middle aged whites, then going straight to bed to wake up in time for church. Count us in! The full ad [via Agency Spy], after the jump.