We've expressed some frustration that American Idol hasn't yet given us more to work with by way of controversies, but we're happy to say that today brings some solid progress in that department. For starters, we have official confirmation via AP report that dark horse contestant David Hernandez once made a living giving dark horsey rides:

first floated by VoteFortheWorst.com, it turns out Hernandez did indeed work at a Phoenix gentlemen-only pole-dancing venue called Dick's Cabaret, "appearing fully nude and performing lap dances for the club's 'mostly male' clientele." We hope, in its mature seventh season, that Idol can overlook such past transgressions, even if it requires sitting David Archuleta down for a delicate explanation of why Hernandez's middle-aged, moustachioed cheering section wave dollar bills in the air after his every Idol performance.

And because one controversy is hardly enough, we also offer the above MySpace video of contestant Danny Noriega's delivering some Christmastime good tidings. God bless us, every one!