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Publicists tend to be one of two things: boring, lips-sealed mouthpieces armed with "no comment" at every twist and turn or loud-mouthed toughies whose sole duty on this planet is to defend their Amazonian clients. Nicole Kidman, for better or worse, is repped by the latter: one Catherine Olim, who sent out a nasty rebuttal regarding NY Post columnist Cindy Adams' claims that knocked up Nic threw a few back at the Oscars. And despite our affection for long-time gossip Adams and her kookily nonsensical musings, we're officially on Team Olim after hearing this statement:

"I cannot remember that last time that Cindy Adams got anything right. She's an idiot, and you can quote me."

Well, not many people will argue that Adams is a little batty, having devoted much of her later years to designing doggywear at Macy's for her one true love, a teensy weensy toy named Jazzy, but to Adams' credit, she was the very first gossip to break the news of the Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey demise. Plus, she's been around the block writing for the Post since 1981. But despite the likely truthiness to Adams' claims, we're still new fans of longtime PMK publicist Olim, who, liar or not, dared to call one of the most influential columnists in the entertainment biz "an idiot." We like lady publicists with balls like that.