Google blog link to "Googirl" story killed

After Marissa Mayer announced Google Health on Google's blog, Capital Valley blogger Andrew Feinberg linked to the post in a reponse titled "Google Health is Frightening." Per usual, a link to Feinberg's post appeared in the trackbacks under Mayer's post. For a time. But soon Feinberg noticed his trackback disappeared. In fact, all the trackback links were gone. Feinberg told a CNET reporter, who in turn asked Google PR what happened. Soon the links were back. Now Feinberg wonders if Mayer nixed the trackbacks due to his critical commentary. We're skeptical. The more likely culprit? A link to Cade Metz's story in The Register headlined "'Googirl' unloads on Google Health: A seminal moment." Just like Feinberg's story, Metz's story links to Google's post. But unlike Feinberg's, it's still not to be found in the trackbacks.