Good news to pass along on this Monday morning. We are pleased as punch to announce that Douglas Reinhardt has been added to the Defamer roster, where he will be serving in the role of contributor. Some of you may recognize Douglas' name from his blog, Skeet On Mischa, where he has been keeping tabs on pop culture ephemera since 2004. He will be penning a new short burst feature for us called "A Call To The Bullpen", a feature that will run thrice daily here on Defamer, beginning today. But before we debut the feature, here's a quick bio of Defamer's newest contributer:

Douglas Reinhardt is a writer who grew up in Orange County as well as the South Bay area of Southern California, which ironically was where they filmed the show, The OC. He would like you to believe that his favorite films and TV shows are, but not limited to Days of Heaven and The Wire, but actually he really enjoys Step Up 2 The Streets and Randy "The Dawg" Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew. Reinhardt has overwhelming fear that Nikki Finke will not like his posts and that she will crush him much the same way she crushed the career of Eli Roth. When not listening to the Howard Stern show or hard at work on a Diablo Cody knock off screenplay, Reinhardt enjoys jogging and drinking with friends and strangers.