"For Manish Vora, then 26, a salary package around $500,000 wasn't enough," Portfolio reports in an article about Millennial Generation. They're the "80 million or so workers born after 1980 who researchers say tend to place job satisfaction and lifestyle concerns ahead of their desire to simply move up the corporate ladder." Clearly, Mr. Vora has not once spent one iota of life broke off his ass, or he wouldn't be talking crazy about giving up a fat paycheck to start a dot-com. But that's what all the hedge-funders and finance types are doing lately, in their search for "meaning" in their jobs. What kinds of meaningful, low-paying work are these kids engaging in?

Mostly dimwitted dot-coms, often charity-related. OldCampus is one, a "a site focused on compiling the latest political information and adding discussion forums around it—like an interactive political campus." Artlog is a social-networking site for art fans and artists. Change.org matches up nonprofits with potential donors, yay! GiveWell.net "analyzes charities' financials with an eye toward determining how effective and impactful they are."

OldCampus.com's Vora and Muhl are optimistic their endeavor will take off and one day make them money, but on the chance it doesn't, they still view it as a better investment than doing something like going to business school.

The friends... see Apple founder Steve Jobs as an inspiration. After Jobs dropped out of college, he took calligraphy courses, which helped him design the typefaces and fonts for the first Macintosh computer 10 years later.

Escape from Corporate America [Portfolio]