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How would you spend your days if you were a young millionaire college dropout with a failed fashion line and with not much to do aside from the occasional Vogue covershoot? If you're an Olsen Twin, there's one surefire way to pass the time and re-establish your street cred: write a Very Important Book! Everyone's favorite munchkin moguls are set to release Influence, a coffee-table book that's being published by Penguin's Young Adult arm. Following in the footsteps of powerhouse literary talents Nicole Richie (The Truth About Diamonds) and Paris Hilton (Confessions Of An Heiress), the tiny duo wrote a book in which they interviewed "the most interesting, challenging, creative people we know — the ones who helped pave the way for us and our generation." Who are these illustrious figures? Well, let's just say their tricks aren't for kids.

The interviewees featured in the tome are relatively unknown outside of the most elite media and fashion circles (ie, we haven't heard of half of them). The Olsens' influencers include Bob Collacelo (former Interview Editor in Chief), photographer Jack Pierson, Terry Richardson (porny photog/former heroin addict), and jewelry designer Robert Lee Morris, who sells belts upwards of $550. Not exactly the standard influencers you tend to see in books like this (John F. Kennedy, Gloria Steinem, etc.). We can't wait 'til young adult readers across the country start turning in book reports detailing the best ways to convince underage vixens to pop their tops for a few photographs in the name of Art, or when children in the heartland start pleading with parents to buy them one of those $2k rings Morris sells on his site. That'll go over real smooth.