Earlier today we showed you Barack O'Bollywood and invited you to send in your favorite distracting and discomfiting viral videos about the Democratic candidates. Some of you did! We've embedded some of these videos after the jump. They make for disturbing viewing, you have been warned. There is musical theater and porn and ABBA.

First up is BARACKULA! It's a completely unforgivable musical short film about Barack Obama as a vampire and that is really about all there is to say about it. Someone noticed that "Barack" almost sounds like the beginning of "Dracula" and also there was that movie "Blackula" and why not make it a musical? Thanks, internet!

"Barack Obama cancelled My So-Called Life."

This nutty clip combines clips from camp classic Mommy Dearest with ABBA's "Mamma Mia." This is somehow a Clinton attack.

And finally, BANNED BY YOUTUBE for reasons that will become immediately apparent, "A 2008 Voting Guide From Your Friends... In the Porn Industry." NSFW, obv.