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Regular paparazzi are pissed about the lowering of standards in their fine profession these days. The culprits are the unwashed "citizen paparazzi"—the regular people wandering around their hotel in Acapulco or whatever who suddenly bump into Nicole Richie engaging in sex acts with a dolphin, snap a picture, and sell it to some photo agency, or straight to the tabloids. But not for enough money, which is driving down the price for the pros [WSJ]. Plus, the career paparazzi object to all these rank amateurs staking out celebrities alongside them, without observing the honorable, secret codes of conduct that make the pros so popular around town. The amateurs are disdainfully referred to as "TMZ-type" photogs who are bad because "In the past, photographers would've given (Angelina Jolie) some breathing room." We here at Gawker know how it is. We had to fight off all those citizens with cell phone cameras to snag our own celebrity photo holy grail:

The Hair Man of Williamsburg.