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Jeremy Piven was recently captured sunning on a Hawaiian shore by a telephoto lens almost as substantial as Ari Gold's legendary member, and while we can detect ever the slightest hint of burgeoning Piv-handles, the 2008 Golden Globe winner appears to still be in fine form. Clearly, Piven's habit of stepping in at local bar-band gigs to whale on the skins until the very last disappointed patron files out, paired with a vigorous yoga regimen learned in the high peaks of the Himalayas (where the actor achieved levels of spiritual enlightenment heretofore thought unimaginable for someone whose previous notable achievements included among them the coining of the phrase, "Let's hug it out, bitch,"), have contributed to one of the most enviable beach bodies of the entire Entourage cast. Sorry E, Turtle, Drama, Lloyd, and Bob Ryan, but the guy's got hairless pecs for days. Is that something you might be interested in? Click through to get a closer look at a Piv triptych.

[Photos: X17]