[Ousted campaign manager Patti] Solis Doyle recently returned home after two months on the road to find a family accustomed to her absence, she told colleagues. When her 6-year-old son cried out one night recently, he rebuffed his mom, saying, 'I want Daddy.' Ms. Solis Doyle flew out of the room in tears and told her husband: 'Joey doesn't want me. S- this campaign, I'm quitting.'

S- this campaign? Shit? Shove? Sucks to?

Another idea from the campaign: Host several private events — at supporters' apartments all located in a single Manhattan high-rise — in one night, so Mrs. Clinton can appear simply by riding the elevator.

That high-rise being, of course, the New York Times building. Hey-o, thank you! We'll be here all week.

Mrs. Clinton stayed on the stump, wearing her trademark yellow jacket and a sunny disposition, while the campaign song blaring here, in Spanish, was 'Estos Celos,' or 'This Jealousy.'

That is our favorite Flor de la Ginebra song.

Clinton Team Seeks to Calm Turmoil [WSJ]