Celebrity Rehab fans have by now become more than acquainted with Jeff Conaway—who, since the departure of a cameraphone-diddling Daniel Baldwin, has become the de facto father figure to the youngster-addicts. They too have met succubus girlfriend Vikki, whose every visit to the Pasadena facility inevitably ends in tears, screaming, and at least one wheelchair flying through a plate-glass window. Such turbulence is often the way with deeply creative partnerships, however, and as a reader pointed out, the two are so much more than just self-perpetuating co-dependants: They're an aspiring hip-hop superduo!

Like Beyoncé and Jay-Z, but white, completely talentless, and certifiably insane, Vikki & Kenickie transport you to another dimension, where aging T-Birds can be found gettin' buck with their own, personal Cha Cha DiGregorios. We've posted a performance of their signature hit "Krazee" from last year's Fox Reality Channel's The Reality Remix Really Awards (a name as staggeringly stupid as the content and people it celebrates), but we suggest you give some of the lesser-known bangers at their MySpace page a listen, including seminal self-love anthem "Masturbate."