Dave Letterman has a long history of getting flirty with his guests. From Madonna to Drew Barrymore, from Julia Roberts to any one of the countless number of leggy supermodels he's talked to over the years, Diamond Dave has never been one to shy away from batting his proverbial lashes at his guests. Depending on his mood, this flirtatiousness generally takes shape in either a slew of complimentary bon mots or, when he's feeling aggressive, a subtle graze of the knee. But when Gossip Girl Blake Lively showed up on the set on Friday night proclaiming that Dave was one of her "childhood crushes", the sexual tension between the two was not only palpable, it approached the level of David Addison and Maddie Hayes.

When you get right down to it, it's not surprising why Dave took such a fancy to Blake. After all, she's young (20 years old), tall (5'10") and blonde. Um, there's also the fact that she's totally into him! Witness how her body language changes from the time that she sits down to the time that Dave clasps her hand and then kisses it ever so gently. Blake may be young in terms of age, but she plays the moment like a showbiz veteran; mere seconds into the interview, she has Dave eating out of the palm of her hands. And kudos to Dave for playing along, especially considering that interviews like this likely result in him catching all kinds of flack from his babymama. Even though nothing will likely ever come from this moment of televised flirtation, it's moments like this where we are reminded for the umpteenth time why we tune into watch Dave every night instead of Jay.