Hilton Flack Elliot Mintz Elicits Angry Statement From Nat'l Assoc. for the Advancement of Oompah Loompahs

Ringing in her 27th birthday a little early this weekend—plus the recent addition of a new litter of 13 pomerhuahuas to her ever-growing doggie menagerie—Paris Hilton celebrated by indulging her inner wild-child, throwing on a tiara, pink hair extensions, and a pair of varicose-vein-patterned tights, and table-dancing the night away at a party virtually devoid of pissy rap stars. What inspired off-again/on-again grenade-jumper Elliot Mintz to show up with a face smeared in a brownish-orange substance isn't entirely clear, however. While Mintz initially insisted the look was the result of having tripped and landed face-first into Lisa Rinna's back on his way into the festivities, the meticulous, ear-to-ear coverage suggested something else entirely:
That the fiercely loyal flack had finally succeeded in doing what publicist-watchers had long feared he would, managing to squeeze not just his nose, but his entire head and neck up his demanding client's hindquarters.
[Photo: WENN]