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Everyone hates NotchUp's spammy invitations. So much so that they can't stop talking about their loathing for the pay-per-interview online job board. Proving that there's no such thing as bad publicity, the obnoxious startup is getting all kinds of attention from Sand Hill Road, founder Jim Ambras told BusinessWeek.

This, after the company's membership rose from 200 to 5,000 to 70,000 in a week, due mainly to a feature that allowed new users to invite their LinkedIn network to the site. LinkedIn has since closed NotchUp's access to its members and is even considering legal action, but really, the damage has already been done.

"We've had a number of inquiries from some of the best firms on Sand Hill Road," Ambras said. "I guess some of those people got some invites." Mission accomplished! More proof that spam pays.