The renegade commenter expats at SLC Outsider, fresh from breaking the news that Jezebel plagiarized a post on SLC Outsider (which bore purely coincidental resemblance to an old Wonkette item) write to ask why we haven't covered the shocking news of the Tionna Smalls/Michael Hirschorn battle. Maybe because we don't know what the hell is going on.

Michael Hirschorn left VH1 to form his own production company. He calls it "Ish Entertainment." Radar columnist Tionna Smalls lists "Talk Dat Ish Entertainment" on her Facebook page. Also she says she had "been in talks with Hirschorn over potential development deals" (!!!). Michael Hirschorn writes on Tionna's Facebook wall. Why does he do this? We're not sure. Nick Denton is also somehow complicit in all of this, as he is in all nefarious internet deeds. Our silence spoke volumes! Also then Julia Allison showed up! Whee! To sum up: Michael Hirschorn is engaged in some major Facebook drama and also Ish Entertainment will soon present "The Cleavage Hour With Tionna and Julia" weeknights on CMT. [SLCOutsider]