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Still reeling from the Kathy Batesiest nominations announcement ever, we're left entirely encouraged that the 80th annual Academy Awards brings with it a Best Picture race containing at least two extremely worthwhile nominees. (We realize we're supposed to be impartial observers, but...No Country for everything! Included Best Animated Short and the Irving G. Thalberg!). But enough about us—this is the nominees' morning! It's time for a reactions round-up:
· Michael Moore: "If I'm fortunate enough to stand on that stage again, I will be true to myself and very gracious and grateful for the acknowledgement, but I would start by finishing the last 10 seconds of the previous speech." [Variety]
· Tom Wilkinson: "I had forgotten about the nominations and was walking the dog. Then someone told me to turn on the TV and I saw it. I got this character from the start." [Variety]

· Juno producer Lianna Halfon: "I was on the phone with my business partner and began jumping around with my son and husband after we heard. As indie producers, we're so naturally pessimistic, so we were completely stunned. The film is unexpected and doesn't fit any genre. I also think (director) Jason (Reitman)'s nomination is the big shock." [Variety]
· Jason Reitman: ""I had been out all night at a Sundance party and I was just sitting there with my wife hoping they would blow by the directing nominations and get to get picture and then I heard my name. I couldn't believe it. I have been on the phone with everybody," he said. "The producers are just crying. Diablo has already lost her voice and Ellen is in Europe, so we have been emailing back and forth like crazy." [NY Times]
· Paul Thomas Anderson: "I'm delighted that `There Will Be Blood' has been recognized by the Academy. These nominations are a testament to the cast and crew, who I am deeply grateful to, for their talent and collaboration. ... It's a thrill to be in this." [AP]
· Marion Cotillard: "It's as if I had swallowed some fireworks or something like this. My friends and my family in Paris, they are so happy." [AP]
· Tony Gilroy: "I would never cross a picket line ever. I couldn't. I'm a 20-year member of the Writers Guild. I think whatever they work out is going to be one way or the other but, no, I could never cross a picket line. I think there's a lot of people who feel that way." [AP]