Our Tom Cruise videos continue to attract attention from near and far, as well as some choice comments—including a number from Germany, where the government is taking a hard line against the religion. And from Poland, where they are terrified.

A number of new commenters, according to Comment Czar Kaila, have pointed out similarities between Cruise's call to "clean this place up" and Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels' 1943 "Total War" speech, perhaps due to comments by historian Guido Knopp. Here's a representative one:

BY VONGRZYB AT 01/19/08 07:53 PM

WOW !!! Tom Cruise like Goebbels in Berliner Sportpalast - 18. February 1943.

Congratulations from Poland

And one commenter claims to be a former member of the Scientologist sect that, according to Wikipedia, "wrested control" of the church while Hubbard was dying.

BY MARKDUMKE AT 01/19/08 02:39 AM

..BYW I used to make out with David M. when he was a pup....I was a Commodores Messenger...no Im not dead .. no Im not insane...Yes I kicked your ass in a lawsuit...Im doing just fine..without you... LRH loved me...He told me if I ever wanted to be a millionaire to form my own religion...What does that tell you...Your just a pawn in the whole circus..to make millions for SCN....Yes you've declared me SP and Yes Im causing you PTS..oooo aren't you scared of me..Yes I'm OT 7 as CLEAR AS FUCKING HELL.. MSH

And here's one more email:

Subject: Tom Cruise Clip


The best part of the scientology clip was the back ground music. Please tell me who did it.

Related: Gawker Coverage of Tom Cruise