Hey, suddenly the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is about race! The Clintons said a couple iffy things about Barry Obama and Martin Luther King, and then—more importantly—spent the weekend denying and apologizing. Bill (whose "first black president" title was bestowed on him by author Toni Morrison) called Al Sharpton! Now Obama, whom the media sorta treated as post-racial, is "the black candidate." Daniel Radosh rightly wonders if this wasn't perhaps deviously intentional (linking Obama to Al Sharpton is a pretty easy way to boost his national negatives). At the least it was an accidental opportunity the Clintons brilliantly seized upon. Aren't we all excited to have them back? We can't wait for Mike Bloomberg to enter the race so Hillary can announce that despite the great work of all those Jews, it was the gentiles who beat the Nazis. Then Bill can apologize to Jackie Mason. [NYT, Radosh]