There is no Hot Topic more sizzlingly appealing to the ladies of The View than the ongoing turmoil within the Spears family, who generously provide the show's debate-loving co-hosts with a fresh, pregnancy- or insanity-related misadventure crying out for their disapprobation on an almost daily basis.

On today's show, the subject of Dr. Phil's willingness to become entangled in Britney's web of crazy was tossed out; as we often do during these lively discussions, we found ourselves nodding along with Joy Behar's common-sense take. Rather than turning her troubled daughter over to the TV doctor for a sensationalist, medically suspect injection of tough-love following the meltdown, mother Lynne should have secreted her off to an Austrian asylum for treatment; at the very least, that course of action would have bought the opportunistic stage mom more time to figure out the most lucrative way to play the situation before the tabloids could get involved and ruin her plans.