As Brian Williams reported that a CNN correspondent admits that they all find it nigh impossible not to be "biased" toward Barack Obama, a CBS-2 reporter (funny how so few outlets reported the questioner's affiliation btw!) had the following exchange with Hillary Clinton:

[Pointing to Clinton's bracelet]"Is that a crucifix?"

Clinton seemed a little taken aback. "I'm sorry, what?" she said.

"Is that a crucifix?" the reporter repeated.

"It's a cross," Clinton replied.

Clinton, who has a staggering range of knowledge and isn't afraid to show it off, had it right, of course: A crucifix has the depiction of the body of Jesus on it and a cross does not.

But the reporter had his follow-up ready.

"Does it have religious significance?" he asked.

Everybody erupted in laughter.

Does a cross have religious significance? Is that what he really asked?

"Talk about the secular press!" Clinton said.

See, it's funny because the reporter had no idea she's a committed Methodist!

(Also we hear she looks old and tired.)