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Xerox is synonymous with copiers. But it urgently wants you to forget all that — and, as well, its brief, pointless stint as a "document management company." It has now joined hundreds of young, hip Internet companies with 3D glassy ball logos. Xerox hired Interbrand to spend 18 months conducting 5,000 interviews to rationalize the new logo: "friendlier" lowercase letters, a slick new typeface, and the obligatory ball, which is supposed to "suggest forward movement and 'a holistic company.'" I just think: kid's toy.

Interbrand also designed the logo to be animated, but we probably won't see the animations until Xerox's multimillion-dollar rebranding campaign is fully underway later this year. In keeping with Xerox's long-forgotten glory days, we suggest a new twist on an old idea: A children's singalong with the logo hopping from word to word. Everyone, follow the bouncing ball!