Ron Paul, inexplicably, has locked up the geek vote. The quasi-libertarian crackpot has plenty of fans, affectionately known as "Paultards," from San Francisco to the Googleplex. Add to them Digg cofounder Kevin Rose, who listed Paul and Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama as his favorite candidates. (Blogger Will Chen noted the preferences on Rose's Digg profile page.) But I'd ask this: How much is Rose's support really worth?

Granted, Rose's support for Paul and Obama is right in line with the Digg community, where Rose's votes for stories are often influential. But where modern politics really matter — in the wallet — Rose has yet to open up. According to Fundrace, the Huffington Post's campaign-cash tracker, Rose has yet to give anything to Obama, Paul, or any other candidate. Among his coworkers at Digg, only VP of marketing Michael Maser has bothered to put his money where his shovel is: $250 for Hillary Clinton.