For an early afternoon Britney palate cleanser, we thought we'd offer you this Tyra clip of South Carolinian Miss Teen U.S.A. 2007 candidate Caitlin Upton, who has secured herself a lasting place in the Annals of American Density for her now-legendary 91-word response to a question about the scourge of geographical ignorance currently plaguing our population.

Always one to find an upbeat spin to even the most humiliating of personal defeats, Banks points out that Upton's own staggering stupidity has granted her a far greater measure of celebrity than actual winner Miss Teen What's-Her-Face could ever hope to achieve. And as Upton confirms, there is truly no better proof that one has entered the fabric of popular culture than becoming a Halloween costume—its aqua gown, blonde hair, and sash reading, "Miss South Carolina Like Such As" sure to become as popular and iconic an option as Windswept Businessman and Tippi Hedren in The Birds.