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Angelina Jolie can add another superlative feather in her cap: she's a poll-topper in the all-important Best Celebrity Humanitarian of 2007 caucus. Voters chose the adoptive mother of several Third World tykes specifically because they believe her charitable efforts not to be a calculated effort to land atop the very Best Celebrity Humanitarian poll. From the Reuters report:

"People aren't stupid," said Peter Walker, director of the Feinstein International Famine Center at Tufts University.

"They can really sense when it's just an endorsement and when somebody really means it. Someone like Angelina Jolie comes across as having more integrity than some celebrities and a greater sense that she doesn't just do this for the publicity."

You know, like Madonna.

"Madonna seems to do philanthropy the way she's done Indian culture, sex, and just about everything — like a disposable fad," said one anonymous voter. "Hope she doesn't get bored of her adopted African kid."

Not to worry: By that time, she'll be bored of her biological children and they'll be old enough to finish raising him. (Last resort: regifting.)