That was the week that wasn't
Wow, and we thought last week sucked. Googler Larry Page is marrying the Chiclet-toothed Lucy Southworth tomorrow, but no one has posted photos of the lucky couple yet, so as far as we're concerned, it didn't happen. The week's other near-misses that were nonetheless hits:
- TechCrunch honcho Michael Arrington tried to fan some flameage by threatening "war" on Facebook for hiring away one of his techies. His post divided Valley tech workers into two camps: Those who got the joke and found it hilarious, and those who thought Arrington was totally serious and found it hilarious.
- Some girl broke up with her boyfriend on Facebook, then had her Flickr account hacked — or did she?
- Ultravideogenic Natali Del Conte is leaving us for New York City to become CNET's go-to gal for national TV in January. Just when she'd started hanging out with losers like us! Hurrah for you, Natali, but YOU MAKE BUNNY CRY.