26-year-old Tim Sykes had a bit of a career derailment when the hedge fund he built out of Bar Mitzvah money tanked. He was disinvited from a Trader Monthly party and he had to give up his butler! But now, Tim is having a resurgence, thanks to the website where he's sharing his wisdom with the masses. "I proud to announce that, TIM, or Transparent Investment Management, gained nearly 14% in November, even as both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 lost 4% and the NASDAQ tanked 7%. It was a difficult month for most people (since everyone loves to be bullish), but it's during these kinds of markets that the ability to go both long or short really comes in handy (aka why hedge funds rock!)," he writes douchily in an email newsletter.

He continues: "How was I able to dominate the overall indexes for the month? Well, to find out, all you have to do is visit TimothySykes.com as I've detailed every single trade, potential trade and investment idea that popped into my head during the month. You'll discover I made plenty of bone headed mistakes and that's why I truly believe I can teach others to do better than me!"

Right: Those who can't do, etc.