The most popular pages on Jason Calacanis's Mahalo search engine concern videogames, videogame cheats, and D-list female celebrities. Not that there's anything wrong with that. We just suspect that Mahalo's venture-capital backers had ambitions higher than catering to immature male geeks obsessed with beating two things: Halo and off. This is the search engine that would compete with Google on quality, worth some $40 million in venture backing — a prettier version of After the jump, Calacanis's greatest hits:

The current top ten pages at Mahalo:

  1. Halo 3 Skulls
  2. Aliette Vazquez
  3. How to Play Guitar for Newbies
  4. Guitar Hero III Cheats
  5. Guitar Hero 3 Song List
  6. Halo 3 Armor
  7. Vanessa Hudgens Pictures
  8. Zoey Zane
  9. Kane and Lynch Walkthrough
  10. That's six videogame pages, three pages featuring an attractive someone known only for being engaged to a race car driver, a nude Disney performer whose moment of fame peaked in September, and a deceased porn star. Oh, and one copycat how-to page that will allegedly teach you how to play guitar, which I hear is popular among teenage males when they aren't playing with videogames or themselves.
  11. Call of Duty 4 Enemy Intel