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Former Vimeo CEO Jakob Lodwick wasn't fired for showing the world Julia Allison's breasts, smoking too much pot, or whoring himself on a bilious New York gossip blog. Not really. The real reason we think Lodwick got fired? Vimeo's position on ComScore's top 10 U.S. online video properties. Or, rather, its nonposition. Vimeo, as apologist and fanboy Nick Douglas puts it, was a "beautiful but flat-lining site." Remember, goofballs Steve Chen and Chad Hurley founded YouTube after Vimeo. The Google-owned site reached nearly 50 million people in October 2007. Vimeo is almost up to 245,000. That's not good enough for IAC and Barry Diller. Vimeo may be a superior product, but its absence from this chart indicates looks aren't everything.

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Here's another chart to put the comparison to YouTube more dramatically. Remember, Chen and Hurley founded YouTube after Lodwick started Vimeo. Lodwick has argued the sites serve different purposes. Right. YouTube served Chen and Hurley $1.65 billion Google stock; Vimeo served Lodwick a pink slip.

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Not convinced YouTube vs. Vimeo is a fair comparison? Fine. Check out Vimeo's growth since January.

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My guess is Lodwick would have kept his job — bong pics, obsession with fame, loudmouth girlfriend, and all — if that blue line was going in the other direction.