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As we'd heard, Facebook has found a strategic investor in Asia: Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing will reportedly invest $60 million in Facebook with the option to double up later. The 79 year old is the world's ninth richest person and, as the photo above would indicate, a Facebook member as well. Though on the site, he's listed himself as a she. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

There's certainly nothing confused about Li's business sense. He runs Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa, a worldwide conglomerate with 250,000 employees. As well, Li has ties to, the online Chinese portal, a connection that could help Facebook's entry into the world's second-largest Internet market. As for Facebook, word is that it's still looking for more cash — besides the $300 million it has raised so far, the board has authorized another $200 million — but that some potential investors such as Providence Equity Partners walked away from discussions due to Facebook's unwieldy terms.