James Frey Is A 'Rockstar Vampire' On Facebook

Fun fact #1 about lying memoirist James Frey's Facebook profile: he is a member of the group "I Love 'A Million Little Pieces' and James Frey Even if It's Not All True."
He is also a member of the groups "British Airways Surfboard Ban, BookCourt, and James Frey In My Bed."
"Hey, i know you don't need to hear another fan tell you about how amazing your book was, but i got so into that book, i could never put it down. I never get that way about books, but yours was so detailed and extraordinary. The only thing that made me mad was when i finished reading the book and i was picturing Lilly and you getting married because you went through so much together, but Lilly killed herself the day before you came out of jail. I know life is not a fairytale and the best things don't always happen, but it just seemed so amazing when you two were together. That part was so upsetting, but still.. great job. I can't wait to read 'My Friend Leonard', i asked for it for christmas. :) I really respect you and your way of writing :)," Angie Davy of the Westlane Secondary School network has written on his Wall.
Dry your tears, little Angie Davy! Maybe you'll feel less upset when you realize that "Lily" DID NOT EXIST.
"Any books in the works, Mr. Frey? :)" writes Lara Marsman of Hunter College. Yes, Lara, he does! James got a ton of money to write a forthcoming novel, because the world is fucked. Put it on your Amazon Wish List!
"This is my wall. I think I love my wall," James has written on his own Wall.
He has infected 1 chump, for a total of 25 Vampire Points.