While we eagerly await Fox's higher budget, more ambitious attempts at pushing the reality-TV envelope this January (we just took the fourth episode for the show's first heart explosion in the Defamer office pool), VH1 will soon be offering the kind of low-grade, humiliation-based programming that will get us to The Moment of Truth's premiere. Fishbowl LA directs us to these promotional "home videos" from the network's upcoming Celebrity Rehab series featuring two of the show's nine C-list guinea pigs (Taxi's Jeff Conaway! A guy from Crazytown we don't recognize!) simulating the destructive, drug-abusing behavior only a team of caring Celebreality producers and their unflinching camera can help them eradicate.

Though you hardly need to travel any further than your boss's office to watch somebody chopping lines, there's still something magical about watching it happen on your television, right after a rerun of Rock of Love.