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Tonight, Facebook-app developers invade enemy territory in Mountain View. Or Google tries to seduce developers over to the dark side, take your pick. For more detail, check today's Valleywag Calendar.

  • The Bay Area Facebook Developers meetup takes place at the Googleplex's Building 43, and the subject will be about extending your app to reach Google's OpenSocial platform. Pizza will be served at 6:45 p.m., and talks begin at 7. Take pics! Pose with the dinosaur! [Facebook]
  • The Berkeley-Stanford Cleantech Conference series begins at 1 p.m. on the Berkeley campus. Today's focus is on the electrification of vehicles, so expect lots of Priuses in the parking lot. [UC Berkeley]
  • Thanksgiving is Thursday. Have your travel plans ready? Alert your pals on Dopplr, so you can make plans to escape the family together.

Got a to-do that's a must-do? Send it to Check out more events on our Google Calendar: