Amy Fisher—sassy lacy lover, snooty wife-shooter and would-be porn film star—had just told Page Six that she was ready to forgive her once-estranged and now-embraced husband Lou Bellera's filming and distribution of their sexual exploits. But according to TMZ, that's not so. Now the Long Island Lolita has filed suit in a misguided attempt to maintain her honor and block the release of the video.

In the lawsuit, Fisher maintains that she "co-produced and co-directed the "Subject Works." and even "arranged for Bellera to hold the video recorder to record private sexual activities at Plaintiffs direction."

Who knew Fisher was such a hands-on purist, so devoted to her craft that she can't stand to see it debased so? It reminds me of the time Ingmar Bergman protested against the post-production editing of Fanny and Alexander, claiming it ruined his masterpiece!

But despite Fisher's modesty, she's also pretty business savvy. Later in the suit, she demands not only damages but any profits from the sale of the DVD. Looks like Fisher wants to get it from both sides!