We thought we'd pay a visit to MTV's Pageant Place, which, for the uninitiated, is something like a Meerkat Manor for the Trump pageant queen set. And like their adorable Kalaharian counterparts, this quarrelsome matriarchy also employs complex and highly sectarian sociodynamics: Take Tara Conner, for example, the disgraced Miss USA famously forgiven for her blow-doing indiscretions by Trump the Merciful (and who indirectly caused a small amount of friction between her combforwarded boss and Rosie O'Donnell): Since being welcomed back into the clan and made Mr. Trump's favorite posable Barbie, she continues to be ostracized by her sash-wearing peers, whose fake smiles belie their not-so-secret desire that she too might meet an untimely, Flower-esque fate at the fangs of Trump's own cobra strike.