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With the Attorney General investigating the sinister network of prescription-dispensing Drs. Feelgood entrusted to her care, the Anna Nicole Clown Video: Criterion Collection made the blog rounds yesterday, ensuring sleepless nights for thousands haunted by the direful sounds of a nine-year-old girl baying, "Braaain trouble!" at the former Playboy model's unsuccessful attempts at burping a pineapple. The video only raised more questions: Who, for example, was the "Mark" that metteur en scène Howard K. Stern kept referring to throughout the shoot? has the answer:

Mark Schey, the president and CEO of creative agency 22Digital, which created the "TRIMSPA, Baby!" slogan, tells Us that through his "good, professional relationship" with Smith he often helped her post fan videos on her personal website "as a courtesy kind of thing." He claims he was not paid, however, and that he wasn't present at the Bahamas video shoot.

"It could have been something [Stern] intended to put on [her website]. He would give me instructions, 'edit this, don't do this,'" Schey tells Us [...]

Robin Bonnema, a spokeswoman for TRIMSPA, tells Us: "Mark Schey is not an employee of TRIMSPA. He owns his own company and TRIMSPA has contracted Mark on occasion for TRIMSPA-related events. The video is not a TRIMSPA event, nor is it related to TRIMSPA in any way."

Whatever Stern had in mind for the tape—perhaps a pay-premium feature allowing fans to indulge in their naughtiest catatonic-Bozo fantasies?—we're at least relieved to know it wasn't a Trimspa-sanctioned production. We shudder to think of the vomited-up diet shake images that would have emerged if it was.