Not only can you live with a douche you found on Craigslist, you can also babysit a monster! "Manny or Nanny wanted for 8 year old diva," declares a Connecticut "self-employed" mom. "This is a great part-time student job for anyone with a creative side to them. We're open to a male or female nanny but my daughter likes very girly things so anyone into football, baseball, etc would probably go nuts. Most of your time would be spent driving to the skating rink in Elmsford (listening to Christina Aguilera and Rhianna) and sitting around the rink while she practices her jumps and spins, or taking her to dance lessons. I asked her what she thinks this person would be like and her list included shopping, lacing her skates, cheating on her homework, getting manicures, having lunch at Alice's Teacup in NYC. She also loves seeing ballet and modern dance (it's all about skating and dance) ... We're not looking for Mary Poppins - my kid would eat her for breakfast. If you've read the Eloise books, you'll know what you're in for." Or, like, the DSM-IV.