Apple yanks Natalie Portman nudie flick

Hotel Chevalier, a 13-minute short film from director Wes Anderson starring that kid from Rushmore and wannabe lifecaster Natalie Portman, has been pulled from iTunes, the only official place to download the film. It was originally released as a promotional item for Anderson's latest release, The Darjeeling Limited. Hotel Chevalier serves as a prelude to the feature and is most notable for showcasing Natalie Portman's first nude scene. But now, when you search on iTunes for "Hotel Chevalier," nothing is returned, and clicking on the iTunes link on the film's official home page displays the error message above. We're not quite sure, yet, why it's unavailable from the Apple store (Apple PR has not returned a call for comment), but Peter Kafka at Silicon Alley Insider thinks the move was made because the short film might be heading to theaters. After the jump, a gratuitous screenshot of a semi-nude Portman from the film.