If you're anything like us, you won't be making any decisions about which Democratic presidential candidate to support until they've run The View's political gauntlet, where they're forced to face a punishing inquisition at the hands of America's most influential panel of couchbound pundits.

On today's show, Hillary Clinton put in her time, performing admirably in the face of Barbara Walters' line of questioning about her "polarizing" nature (it's times like these we most miss Rosie, who would've just blurted out, "Let's not sugarcoat it, Babs. Does it bother you when people say you're a cold bitch?"). But the otherwise unflappable Clinton did seem a little uncomfortable when pregnant co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck, revisiting an explosive issue that had once driven her from the set in tears, kept insisting that the senator rub her swollen stomach while addressing her position in the abortion debate.